Do you share a passion for ensuring that statistics for Jersey are produced in a way that best meets users needs?
If so, why not consider applying to be the Chair or a Member of the newly created Statistics Council for Jersey. Applicants with relevant experience as a user or producer of statistics will be considered from both Jersey and elsewhere.
The Council has the role of advising Jersey’s public authorities on the production, use, quality, relevance and integrity of the statistics produced by public authorities and advising any person or body in relation to tier 1 (or official) statistics. This will cover subjects as diverse as population, housing, education, crime, employment, and social trends, etc.
Job information;
The Chair of the new Jersey Statistics Council will lead the Council to deliver against its responsibilities under the amended Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018. All Members will help ensure that Jersey’s tier 1 statistics remain independent, relevant, and robust.
Members will help ensure the Statistics Council acts as a forum for the public and statistics users to interact with the Chief Statistician, Statistics Jersey and other producers of statistics in public authorities on the quality, relevance and integrity of tier 1 statistics.
We welcome applications from candidates with experience relevant to the work of the Council.
Given that much of each role can be completed remotely, suitable applicants from outside Jersey will be considered.
The Statistics Council meets formally at least three times a year; the Chair may decide to hold additional formal or informal meetings.
Find out more:
To find out more about the role please view the full candidate brief.
For further information or to arrange an informal discussion about the role please contact Francis Walker ( or see the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018 as amended by the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-
How to apply:
To make an application please send your CV together with a supporting letter to Please indicate in your email which role or roles you are applying for.